Monday, October 25, 2010 / Labels: Facebook
Boost for Facebook 10.0.2 can enlarge your image in Facebook
If you like and enjoy with the social networking “ Facebook “ ,I think you need to install this add ons for browser Firefox. This Script can enlarge your photos in facebook be full size and other faeture like :
- -Autopoke and EZPoke options
- -Auto-Refresh Home (beta)
- -Rollover image for each view in full size
- -Hundreds of Skins
- -Selectable Features - Use only what you want!
- -Quick Access icon in the status bar
- -Skins for school, sports and many others built in
- -Rollover all profile pic thumbnails
- -Auto-login and password is stored
- -One-click pokes
- -Download FB Videos
- -Move birthdays, pokes and events to top of homepage
- -Shorten FB window titles
- -Force https (beta)
- -Skin Banner
We can install from this link
nb : this add ons only support for Firefox 3.5 and new facebook
enjoy it
Saturday, October 2, 2010 / Labels: Maintenance
Level of Repair Harddisk BadSector
The hard disk is where the operating system and all computer programs are stored. Due to this, a correctly working drive is important in the operation of any PC.
But since these drives are essentially merely an electro-mechanical devices, and like every other machine they can at last breakdown and fail. And then oops, without backups, all of your family footage, legal documents and critical emails are gone!
There are 3 (three ) levels of file recovery for a dying or damaged drive :
1. Basic Level : The drive is working ( your can hear it spin up but it won’t boot to Windows ) This typically suggests that some necessary Windows files have been comprised or damaged in some shape. You’ve got to choices…
Use a Rescue CD : You can grab a bootable CD with hard drive utility software already installed on it. You can then make repairs or copy your files from your bad drive to a replacement. A good big name brand rescue CD for Windows is the “Ultimate Boot CD”.
Move the Drive : if you do not have a technique of burning a rescue CD and do not desire to hang about for a copy to sent to you ; you can always move your bad drive and place it in another working desktop Computer .
2. Intermediate Level : The drive works but you can not see the files you would like using the strategies above. You at about that point have to get out the massive guns. You’ll have to download and run an data recovery program like “Active UNDELTE”, “Recover My Files”, and so on. Both these programs are strong, trustworthy, and simple to use and won’t cost an arm or a leg to purchase. Both have tech support options if you want further help.
3. Advanced Level : You have attempted everything above but you can not find that Last Will from Aunt Sue…
At that point you have likely spent a couple of hours ( if not days ) without your Computer and invested just over a $100 in software if you used all the above products. Now, is the time for you to choose to either employ a pro level recovery application or chuck in the towel and take your drive to a recovery expert.
If you’ve got the time but not a great deal of money ( understand that tough drive recovery services can cost hundreds or thousands of greenbacks ) then you can ratchet it up a bit and purchase a copy of the home version of EasyRecovery from Ontrack. Ontrack is one of the leading information recovery corporations in the world.
But if time is more urgent and cash is no obstruction then bite the bullet and take your drive to a local PC shop that does recovery work. Or if that’s not possible then contact a giant service like Ontrack and ship your drive to them. Data recovery can be costly irrespective of who does it, so to be on the safe side and make file backups often and completely.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010 / Labels: Hacking, NETWORKING, Tips and tricks
Open Facebook by IP ADDRESS
Someday we can login our facebook in My ofiice, so i try to do this utilizes some but not all of the addresses in these ranges. Below are the most common active IP addresses for
Acceptable Use of Facebook IP Adddress
If you cannot reach Facebook using, your Internet provider may be blocking access to the site. Using an IP address based URL might bypass such restrictions.Saturday, May 15, 2010 / Labels: NETWORKING
5 Network Topology
Computer network topologies can be categorized in the following categories.
Hybrid networks are the complex networks, which can be built of two or more above mentioned topologies.

Bus Topology
Bus topology uses a common backbone to connect all the network devices in a network in a linear shape. A single cable functions as the shared communication medium for all the devices attached with this cable with an interface connector. The device, which wants to communicate send the broadcast message to all the devices attached with the shared cable but only the intended recipient actually accepts and process that message.
Ethernet bus topologies are easy to install and don’t require much cabling and only a main shared cable is used for network communication. 10Base-2 and 10BaseT are two popular types of the Ethernet cables used in the Bus topology. Also, Bus network works with very limited devices. Performance issues are likely to occur in the Bus topology if more than 12-15 computers are added in a Bus Network. Additionally, if the Backbone cable fails then all network becomes useless and no communication fails among all the computers. Unlike in the Star topology in which if one computer is detached from a network then there is not effect on the other computers in a network.
Ring Topology
In ring Network, every computer or devices has two adjacent neighbors for communication. In a ring network, all the communication messages travel in the same directory whether clockwise or anti clockwise. Any damage of the cable of any cable or device can result in the breakdown of the whole network. Ring topology now has become almost obsolete.
FDDI, SONET or Token Ring Technology can be used to implement Ring Technology. Ring topologies can be found in office, school or small buildings.
Star Topology
In the computer networking world the most commonly used topology in LAN is the star topology. Star topologies can be implemented in home, offices or even in a building. All the computers in the star topologies are connected to central devices like hub, switch or router. The functionality of all these devices is different. I have covered the detail of each networking devices in the separate portion of my website. Computers in a network are usually connected with the hub, switch or router with the Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) or Shielded Twisted Pair Cables.
As compared to the bus topology, a star network requires more devices & cables to complete anetwork. The failure of each node or cable in a star network, won’t take down the entire network
as compared to the Bus topology.
However if the central connecting devices such as hub, switch or router fails due to any reason,then ultimately all the network can come down or collapse.
Tree Topology
Tree topologies are comprised of the multiple star topologies on a bus. Tree topologies integrate multiple star topologies together onto a bus. Only the hub devices can connect directly with the tree bus and each Hub functions as a root of a tree of the network devices. This bus/star/hybrid combination supports future expandability of the computer networks, much better than a bus or star.
Mesh Topology
Mesh topology work on the concept of routes. In Mesh topology, message sent to the destination can take any possible shortest, easiest route to reach its destination. In the previous topologies star and bus, messages are usually broadcasted to every computer, especially in bus topology. Similarly in the Ring topology message can travel in only one direction i.e clockwise or anticlockwise. Internet employs the Mesh topology and the message finds its route for its destination. Router works in find the routes for the messages and in reaching them to their destinations.The topology in which every devices connects to every other device is called a full Mesh topology unlike in the partial mesh in which every device is indirectly connected to the other devices.
Topologies are the important part of the network design theory. A better network can be built if you have the knowledge of these topologies and if you know the difference between each topology.
Wireless Network Type
Wireless Network Types
1. Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANS)
WLANS allow users in local area, such as in a university or a library to form a network and gain wireless access to the internet. A temporary network can be formed by a small number of users without the need of access point; given that they do not need to access the resources.
2. Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANS)
There are two current technologies for wireless personal network Bluetooth and Infra Red. These technologies will allow the connectivity of personal devices within an area of 30 feet. Infra Red requires a direct line and the range is less as compared to Bluetooth technology.
3. Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANS)
WMANS allow the connectivity of multiple networks in a metropolitan area such as building in a city. The network connectivity is the alternative of copper or fiber cabling.
4. Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWANS)
WWANS or Wireless Area Networks can be maintained over large areas such as in different cities or between different countries, via multiple satellite systems or antenna sites. The types of system are called 2G systems.
The following table shows the range those different types of wireless network covers.
Network Meter
Personal Area Network 0 - 10
Local Area Network 0 - 100
Wide Are Network 0 - 10000
Security in Wireless Networking
The following different types of security methods are available in the wireless networking.
5. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
Wired Equivalent Privacy is intended to stop the interference of radio frequency that is signaled by unauthorized users and this security measure is most suitable for the small networks. There is not key management protocol and each key is entered manually into the clients that’s why this is very time consuming administrative task. The WEP security method is based on the RC4 encryption algorithm. In the WEP all the client computers and Access points are configured with the same encryption and decryption keys.
Service Set Identifier (SSID)
Service Set Identifier (SSID) acts a simple password by allowing WLAN network to be split up into different networks and each having a unique identifier. These identifiers are configured in the multiple access points. To access any of any networks, a computer is configured in such a way that each is having a corresponding SSID identifier for that network. If the SSID match between the two computers or networks then access is granted to each other.
Media Access Control filtering (MAC Access Control)
A list of the MAC addresses of the client computers can be inputted into an Access point and only those computers are granted to give the access to the network. When a computer makes a request, its MAC address is compared to the list of the MAC addresses to the Access point and based on this access permission granted to deny.
This is a good security method but it is mainly involved in the small wireless networks because there is more manual work is involved of entering the MAC address into the Access point.
Bluetooth is a simple type of the wireless networking that operates in the digital devices, like mobiles phones, personal computers, PDA, Laptops, digital camera, MP3 players and other Bluetooth enabled devices to form a small network. In the Bluetooth technology eight devices can be connected to each other at the same time. Bluetooth can also be found in the headsets, hands-free kits, wireless keyboards and mouse. Bluetooth technology was invented by Ericsson in 1994 and after four years in 1998 some major mobile phone companies such as Nokia, Ericsson, Intel and Toshiba formed a group to promote this technology.
Bluetooth technology falls in the category of personal area networking because it operates in the range of 30 to 300 feet. Bluetooth uses the radio waves technology, which is not very expensive and has low power consumption. Many different companies are intended to add the Bluetooth chip in their digital devices. Bluetooth technology is getting very popularity because of its low cost and portability.
The Future of Wireless Networking
WLANS wireless networking type is very popular in home networking and more than 20 percent homes with broadband internet are using WLANS and this number is increasing. In a general estimate worldwide hotspots have now reached more than 30,000 and will grow about 210,000 in the next few years. Most large hotels already offer Wi-Fi and the business travelers are willing to pay wireless access. 802.11 is the next Wi-Fi speed standard is set to offer bandwidth around 108Mbps and is still under development. With the speed of 70 Mbps and a range up to 30 miles, the 80216 standard, known as WiMAX is sure to get boost.
Tips & Tricks
- • When purchasing a wireless NIC card try to get one that is having external antenna. When you are out and using Wi-Fi enabled laptop, disable Microsoft file and sharing, which enables other computers in a network to access data and resources on your computer. In this way, your computer or laptop will be saved from hackers.
• If you are concerned about the interference from the other wireless access point set the AP and wireless computers to use a non-overlapping channel.
• Change the configuration interface password of the access point before you enable it.
• Only buy an access point that is having upgradeable capabilities. By this way you can take the advantage of security enhancements.
• Keep the access point up to date.
Friday, May 14, 2010 / Labels: Compression Tool, Download, Software
Compress and decompress by KGB ARCHIVER
KGB Archiver is is the compression tool with unbelievable high compression rate. It surpasses even such efficient compression tool like 7zip and UHARC in terms of the abilities. Unfortunately although its powerful compression rate, it has high hardware requirements (I recommend processor with 1,5GHz clock and 256MB of RAM as an essential minimum). One of the advantages of KGB Archiver is also AES-256 encryption which is used to encrypt the archives. This is one of the strongest encryptions known for human.
Make Compress
1. Open the KGB Archiver program.
2. Choose Compress files from the options and click Next >.
3. On the next window, you can change the directory location where you want to put the file, give a name to your new archive and add file(s) or directory. Press the Next > button when you finish.
4. The program will then create the archive file for you and show a dialog box with some information when it has finish.
Extract a zip file
KGB Archiver 2
1. Open the KGB Archiver program.
2. Choose Decompress files from the options and click Next >.
3. On the next window, choose your archive file and directory location where you want to put the file(s). You can extract all files on the archive by unchecking the Choose files to decompress option or extract selected file by checking the option and select the file(s).