Convert MP3 be small Size

if you want to convert MP3 or any audiofile be small please you try streambox or you can download from it INSTRUCTIONS TO USE SOFTWARE stripper (StreamBox) ...!!!! Software compression for MP3 files. This software does not need to install. Instructions: 1. open file streambox_ripper.exe 2. click on the button "Load" to search for MP3 files that will be in the ripper or click on the "CD" when the page comes from the file the audio CD. 3. after the selected file click on the button "Convert". 4. Change the tab to select: Sampling Rate: 11025 Hz Channels: mono or stereo may (stereo recommended). (because the later can dinormalkan again with this software as well) 5. Filters tab select the "Use Equalizer (slow)" 6. On the tab select encode output file: MPEG Layer3 (MP3) use bitrate 16kBps or 24 kbps so that the file does not become too large at the time sent. 7. OK then. to return to normal conditions again please Bitratenya become a 128kBps (normal size MP3) can be larger or more ... Regard publish again by

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